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M. Wadood Islam

M. Wadood Islam was an MS-CS student at LUMS and a Graduate Research Assistant at Computer Vision and Graphics Lab (CVGL), LUMS Syed Babar Ali School of Science and Engineering. He earned his undergraduate degree from FAST-NUCES in Computer Science. His research interests include machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, and bioinformatics.

He worked on classifying Land-Use classes (Construction, Destruction, Cultivation, Decultivation) on satellite images from a remote sensing dataset using GNNs i.e. Graph Attention Networks. This research resulted in a publication at AAAI Symposium Fall 2023 in AI for Climate Change Category.

Wadood played a critical role in leading the development of Specie Preservation and Early Warning System. He expertise with deep learning, object detectors, classifiers, and industry experience in web application development/deployment was particularly handy in the success of the project.


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