Summer Internships 2018
The Computer Vision Lab hosted a rigorous summer internship program for undergraduate students. Sophomore, Junior and Senior interns worked for 2 months in the lab, under the supervision of faculty and PhD students. The students worked both individually and in groups, on a range of ideas, from making a campus 3D model to automatic generation of Mughal art motifs.
Day 1: Exploratory Data Analysis and Feature Engineering by Usman Nazir
Library: Pandas
Case Study: Churn Prediction
Download: Day 1
Day 2: Chapter 2: Linear Algebra & Chapter 4: Numerical Computation of Deep Learning Book by Usman Nazir and Faisal Yaseen
Lecture Slides Links: Chapter 2 & Chapter 4
Day 3: Hands-on training session on Optimization & Chapter 3: Probability and Information Theory of Deep Learning Book by Usman Nazir
Lecture Slide Link: Chapter 3
Download: gradient_descent-master
Day 4: Deep learning implementation for image recognition, object detection, and image segmentation by Numan Khurshid
Links: MNIST Visualization
Day 5: Autoencoders and Adversarial Autoencoders by Numan Khurshid
Reading Links: Adversarial Autoencoders, A wizard’s guide to Autoencoder
Video Links: Deep Learning Simplified, Adversarial Examples
Download: 5. GANs and Autoencoders