ICIP 2009 – Early Termination Algorithms for Adaboost Based Detectors

Arif Mahmood, Sohaib Khan
16th International Conference on Image Processing, Cairo, Egypt, Nov 7-10, 2009
In this paper we propose an early termination algorithm for speeding up the detection phase of the Adaboost based de- tectors. In the basic algorithm, at a specific search location, the AdaBoost ensemble response is computed as monotonic decreasing function of weak learners. As more weak learners are evaluated, the response either decreases or remains the same. As soon as the current response becomes lower than the AdaBoost global threshold, remaining computations may be skipped without any loss of accuracy. We further extend the basic algorithm by integrating it with the Non Maxima Suppression (NMS) process. Any candidate location may be discarded, as soon as its current response becomes lower than another candidate location, within the same non-maxima sup- pression window.
In our experiments, our proposed algorithm has been found to be an order of magnitude faster than the traditionally used AdaBoost detector, for the application of edge-corner detection. Speedup comparisons are also done with other three well known edge corner detectors. The early terminated AdaBoost detector has been found to be significantly faster than all three of these detectors.
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Text Reference:
Arif Mahmood, Sohaib Khan, "Early Termination Algorithms for Adaboost Based Detectors", Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Image Processing, pp. 1209 - 1212, Cairo Egypt, Nov 7-10, 2009
Bibtex Reference:
@inproceedings{mahmood2009early, title={Early terminating algorithms for Adaboost based detectors}, author={Mahmood, A. and Khan, S.}, booktitle={Image Processing (ICIP), 2009 16th IEEE International Conference on}, pages={1209--1212}, year={2009}, organization={IEEE} }
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