Press Release on Carnegie Mellon News

Press Release on Carnegie Mellon News

Our joint research project with Iain Matthews at Disney Research Pittsburgh and Yaser Sheikh and Tomas Simon at Carnegie Mellon University is covered by Carnegie Mellon News. To quote from the press release: Computer graphic artists who produce computer-animated movies and games spend much time creating subtle movements such as expressions on faces, gesticulations on…

Bilinear Spatiotemporal Basis Models – Project Page

Bilinear Spatiotemporal Basis Models – Project Page

Ijaz Akhter, Tomas Simon, Sohaib Khan, Iain Matthews, Yaser Sheikh Abstract A variety of dynamic objects, such as faces, bodies, and cloth, are represented in computer graphics as a collection of moving spatial landmarks. Spatiotemporal data is inherent in a number of graphics applications including animation, simulation, and object and camera tracking. The principal modes…